Cardi Strong - Garlic & Coconut Oil

 How to Use? 1 capsule after food once a day or as directed by a physician. Key Ingredients: Garlic Oil 500mg HPMC Vegetarian Capsules   Quantity: 60 capsules   Note: Important Product...


Ingwer stammt von einer blühenden Pflanze, deren Rhizom, Ingwerwurzel oder Ingwer, als Gewürz und auch in der Volksmedizin weit verbreitet ist. Menschen verwenden Ingwer seit der Antike in der Küche...

Curcuwin - Quick Action Bioperine Oil

Curcumin is the active ingredient in the traditional herbal remedy and dietary spice - Turmeric (Curcuma longa).   How to Use? 2 capsules after food once a day or as directed...

Great After 40 - Fenugreek Oil

Fenugreek, the humble Methi Dana, has long ruled over the kitchen space and not only adds a distinct flavour to your meals.     How to Use? 2 capsules after...

Super Food Extract - Moringa Oil

Moringa oil is derived from the seeds of Moringa oleifera, a small tree native to the Himalayan mountains and sometimes referred to as “the miracle tree”. Moringa seeds have a...

Memo Charge - Almond Oil

 Almonds contain healthy fats, fibre, protein, magnesium and vitamin E.    How to Use? 2 capsules after food once a day or as directed by a physician.   Key Ingredients: Almond...

Immuno Protector - Nigella Oil

Nigella oil is extracted from Black Seeds or Kalonji.   How to Use? 2 capsules after food once a day or as directed by a physician.   Key Ingredients: Nigella Oil 500mg...